Legal Info
Property and Safety Data
Layout, graphics, content, concept and everything else present in this website are exclusive property of Corazzi Fibre s.r.l. with registered office in Cremona (CR), Via Paolo Corazzi 2, fiscal code and VAT number 00836170191 (hereinafter Corazzi).
The use of the site, knowledge and data treatment, information and news all contained therein, including know-how, are subject to the provisions of the current legislation and the guidelines set here below.
Layout, graphics, content and site use of Corazzi are subject to copyright law and applicable copyright and, in particular, as a mere example but not as a limitation, to L. 22/4/1941 No 633 “Protection of copyright and other rights related to its operationā, its subsequent modifications and integrations, and the L. 31.12.1996, n. 675 and Presidential Decree 31.7.1999 n. 318, subsequent changes and additions, containing rules on personal data treatment and the minimum security measures, here in full called.
It is not allowed to copy, reproduce, transform, adapt, modify, translate or otherwise extract, in whole or in part, either on a permanent basis or even temporarily, for whatever purpose or reason, the configuration or the contents of the site Corazzi unless a prior written authorization of the latter and in conformity with the aims and directions given by the firm itself.
Misuse as well as illegal or non ācompliant utilization will be punished and will expose the user to any further consequence both towards Corazzi and third parties.
Despite the accuracy and care taken in the creation, updating and integration of content and information on our site Corazzi, the same has divulgation and cognitive purposes only, therefore, such content and information may contain misprints, errors, inaccuracies or inconsistencies in relation to which Corazzi supplies no warranty – expressed or implied – not even as mere reliability or expectation.
In particular, merely as an example and not as a limitation, no assurance or guarantee as to its completeness, thoroughness and correspondence to the current organization, company structure or type, characteristics, merchantability or eligibility for the purpose of products, services and activities Corazzi is provided, the company is available to provide all relevant information to those interested in.
Corazzi reserves the right to make changes to the information contained in its own site without any warning, so as to change and modify the products, services and activities described therein without giving rise to rights of any kind on third parties.
Access and use of the site Corazzi presupposes and implies that the user has verified that this does not cause, even indirectly, malfunction to the computer infrastructure used in the presence of “viruses” or other causes not attributable to Corazzi, which does not respond in any way for damages to the user, including damages to computer systems, lost data, programs or other negative consequences such as loss of profit, revenue or improper disclosure of data and unauthorized information, even if Corazzi is aware of the possibility – even only potential – that such damages may occur.