Fibre in wheels

The abrasive and no scratch fibre is also available in film-wrapped wheels.

Ruote gialla grigia

fibre in wheels
BINDERAcrylic, Phenolic, Ureic
STAPLE FIBRENylon, Polyester, Natural
ABRASIVEĀ Quartz, Synthetic Corundum, No scratch powder
QUALITYSuperior, High, Medium, Standard, Economical
USEAbrasive, Non abrasive
SIZEStandard length (3, 5, 6 m) and on demand. Customizable width
WEIGHTfrom 200 g/mq to 1.400 g/mq
THICKNESSfrom 4,5 mm to 13 mm
COLOURSGreen, Red, Blue, Yellow, Black, Pink, Light blue, Orange, Violet , White and, on demand, based on pantone code